
Deanne Taylor has significant experience in this area having worked on numerous subdivisions throughout her career. Whether the job is big or small we can complete all legal work to ensure the subdivision is processed in accordance with your Resource Consent and any additional requirements as efficiently as possible.

We attend to all documents required to enable titles to be issued and any interests to be recorded on the titles. We will provide you with clear advice and communication between all parties including your surveyor, Council, Land Information New Zealand, utility providers and your mortgagee (if relevant) with a streamlined result.

Please feel free to contact us on 09 930 8425 if you would like to talk to us about subdividing a Property.

Sale & Purchase of Commercial Property

There are a number of matters to consider when dealing with Commercial Property. If there is a building on the property, does it have a current warrant of fitness, have all consents been obtained, are there leases to be reviewed and what are the body corporate requirements? In addition to commercial property legal advice you would be advised to talk to your accountant about the tax implications of the transaction.

If you are developing land, what is the zoning, are there geotechnical matters to be considered or encumbrances on the title which will affect that development?

There can be risk in investing in Commercial Property and therefore it is vitally important that you are fully advised. Call us to discuss your Commercial Property matters.

Commercial Leases

Whether you are a tenant or a landlord your Commercial Lease is extremely important. Several different areas of law including the Unit Titles Act 2010, Property Law Act 2007 and common law, can impact on the lease of a property for commercial use. In order to avoid future disputes, all parties need to be clear on their rights and obligations pursuant to the Lease from the outset.

If you are entering into an Agreement to Lease or a Deed of Lease call us to obtain legal advice before doing so.

I was impressed with the way Taylor & Co worked around some very difficult people in resolving our business matters.

H Geertshuis

Call today on 09 930 8425 to talk about your legal requirements